Look. There is one thing that is going to keep you off this path, and that is your self.
For whatever reason you will find ways to doubt yourself. To see how you are not good enough or to feel like you are not worthy of putting yourself out there.
Don’t listen to that voice.
Trust in the process.
No need to overthink whether it will work or not, just relax, let go, and let the actions take place.
After work, after school, at weekends, go out and talk to girls.
Your mission is to get out of your head and to just meet other people.
Girls like sex.
If you prove to be a normal dude who can take care of his own shit, they will naturally want to sleep with you. Why wouldn’t they?
Now say you tried and it didn’t work out. First of all, the moment to think is not when you are in the middle of the night, or when you are meeting girls.
When you do go out, try to get in the flow, laugh at rejection and keep going until you find girls who want to talk to you. There is always going to be this girl, sometimes you meet her quick, sometimes it takes a bit of time, but there is always this nice girl who will like you for you, who is down to earth and friendly. We love this girl.
This is the moment when you don’t need to try, the words effortlessly flow out of your mouth and actions come naturally. Relax with her and from there you can gain momentum and approach even more girls, introduce them to each other and so on.
Point being that reflection should never come when you are out. It comes when you go back home or the day after where you go over what you could have done better, different and so on.
It will take a bit of time but there is great joy in understanding women.
Because once you do meet a girl you really like, you won’t act like a moron, you won’t feel jealous when she is talking with other guys, you won’t worry about being cheated, all because you will know what she wants and you will know how to give it to her.
Practice this and you won’t ever feel needy again. Simply because you will always have options, and where ever you go girls will sense that you know your shit and will want your company.
I’m not saying this to boost your ego, but to highlight the benefits of showing up and pushing through the hard times of when everything will seem futile.
When you do get 10 rejections in a row, or when you get laughed at or even played. Remember, it’s all an experience and you are the star of the movie.
It will help you build skin for when you go for that new job interview, or that sales pitch you need to do, or that presentation you need to make. It’s all connected.
So the main thing is finding the one thing you want to focus on when you go out, and making that your goal. If it is to have 2 minute conversation, or to have as much fun as possible, or to be as carefree as you can, that should be the focus. If you did that, great. You won.
Just focus on what you can control.
After, you can reflect on what you did, see what you can improve and tomorrow go again. Spend 100 hours doing this and you will have an idea of how to deal with girls i promise you.