Focus on the physical, and on to your mission.
Don’t give in the chaos.
Your field of vision shouldn’t be more than 2 meters or 6 feet in radius. You don’t want to go on chasing girl’s on the other side of the club, or look for hot ones.
Occasionally, of course it’s natural to look around for someone interesting, but don’t get carried away.
It can help to have like a theme or a joke for the first few approaches so you have something to go on while you are still warming up,
First or second group you see, approach, tap tap on the shoulder, hi I’m Gandalf. Hug. You are my Bilbo.
It can be absurd. Whatever, remember, it’s about physicality. For the first 5-10 seconds focus on moving the girl.
Doesn’t matter how. High-five her, grab her hand and turn her, hell pick her up and turn her around, do anything physical.
After that feel free to do as you wish, you can talk, dance, have fun, move her to another part of the club… Whatever you feel like doing. If you feel adventurous you can try kissing with no words spoken, just offer your hand and lead.
Of course, no need to overcommit, if you don’t want to talk to a particular girl, or you feel like it’s not the best conversation, bounce.
30% of the girls are not going to like that you approached them, accept this and move on, in 5 seconds there is going to be another girl there.
If you want to get lasting results, you have to understand that fun things are for fun and you got to normalize the situation at some point.
This will bring you two together, and then you can have even more fun. It’s how you can see if you actually like the girl.
You can also come up chilled and relaxed, just like hey, you have a minute?
Saw you from over there, wanted to talk to you. Just simple things. If you see her tense up, just say, yeah we are going to stay here two steps from your friends, come.
There are nuances, like not being pushy but still going for it.
As a general rule of thumb it’s better to over do it and calibrate after she pulls back than to not be clear enough so she doesn’t understand what you want
If you want, tell a joke, do a silly dance, tease her…
Girls are emotional, so any kind of drama would be a win for her.
Just be playful, don’t overcomplicate and certainly don’t try to manipulate girls if and when they open up to you.
Because they will.
– Have you seen my troll?
Have you seen my troll? You look her deep in the eyes. I’ve lost it.
Damn it, I had a troll with me and I’ve lost it. Come, help me find it. You take her by the hand, and walk her a few meters away. I’m Jack. Are you from around here?
I’m Layla, yeah.
There! And you take her again. Fast!
Layla, have you seen where he went?
What? No, wtf?
Oh he is here, as you spin her, he went into your dress and you pinch her, goddamit he went into your hair.
Oh he is gone again.
We have to call him. Say Oooo trolly trolly trolly and oink. That’s how they did it in Iceland back in the day.
Do it.
Ooo trolly trolly trolly. Oink
If you didn’t feel resistance up to this point, just say
Wait I think I see him, it’s on your lip, and kiss her. Then keep going or normalise the situation.
Just kidding, what do you do? Who are you here with?
just get the logistics, as to where she lives and if she has a roommate, just keep in mind that your sexual intentions should be obvious and she should want it as well. Otherwise you would just be a random dude asking for her address.
This is just one scenario of what a fun approach might look like, again you will find your style with time.
As long as you are thinking win-win you can’t be wrong.
The best approaches come when you least expect them.
For whatever reason, when you are bored, annoyed or distracted by life, a random girl appears in front of you. You start talking, and it happens to be the one that stays.