Now before we get into the good stuff of a good chemistry let’s talk about all the shit that you need to go through first.
Remember the butterflies you felt? The umf it took to cut trough the brain fog and to approach?
You get of your ass, you walk up, and she completely ignores you.
“Cute shoes, I saw you from over there and wanted to say hi”
“Sorry, I have a boyfriend”
Now what?
Smile, If you want to make a joke, like I’m not interested in your boyfriend, make a joke, if not, just move on.
This will happen like 30% of the time, or some version of it.
“No thank you”
No, thank YOU. And move on.
If you are more advanced you can make anything epic.
Pretend to cry, fall to your knees, pretend she hit you with a bullet and you fall to the ground, dead. This is just for you to have fun approaching, it will transfer to the girl and you might even turn bad sets into good ones. This is advanced though, try it, but don’t overthink it. Focus on the fundamentals.
Rememmber it’s about as bad as it gets. That’s the good part.
Even though in your mind rejection would feel like dying,
It’s actually just a plain refusal to continue the conversation.
And it doesn’t even have to do with you! It can be that her cat died, that she failed an exam, got in a fight with her dad, sister, brother. That her fight got canceled. That she’s just not feeling it. So what?
If you feel she’s not feeling all that well, that can be an approach.
Hey saw you from over there, you don’t seem to be feeling all that well.
If you go past the first couple of words, she still might not want you to empty yourself near her.
Signs that you should bounce are:
She repeatedly keeps giving you short answers, breaking eye contact and refusing to follow your lead.
If you try to high five her and then turn her around and she pushes back, it might mean it’s too soon, but since this is not a high investment of her, it will probably mean she doesn’t like you and that you should leave.
Thank you, have a nice day.
That’s it, you go about your day, knowing that you did your part.
Bravo. Kudos. Amazing! You are in the top 1% of the guys. You are the man. You will have a story to tell to your boys and while they played League, you actually made a step to finding the woman of your life.
Hey, how;s it going? Saw you from over there and wanted to say hi.
Good… You?
Fine, doing not much, looking for a pair of glasses (say it’s in the mall) Don’t get baited by politeness. You might feel an urge to get off the hook of actually leading. That won’t take you anywhere. BAD! So a question, what are you up to?
Oh, nice, not much, just looking around.
Now, whenever you have a chance to lead a girl physically, do it. It will both put you in a good mood.
So in this particular situation, you might feel the girl is not so interested, but maybe she needs time. So something like, “You have two minutes, I need a female opinion” and take her to a shop.
In the so – so conversations she will follow you, but not really, you will not see the Bambi eyes, where her pupils widen and she giggles all neurotically. It will be okay. My advice, in the beginning go for these sets, still don’t force, but take the number, don’t let them pass just because it’s not passionate just yet. It might turn out to be.
So-so conversations are where you learn the most.
About yourself and about all the nuances that go into you just talking to girls alone, with sexusal intention.
So-so conversations can also end in sex, just that it can also be so-so. However for the sake of practice and until you feel comfortable getting a phone number, a date, a kiss, a blowjob, sex, public sex etc. you should give it a go with so-so conversations, as long as there is some chemistry you won’t regret it.